How You Can Pick The Right Business Model Almost Instantly

I don`t know about you but I needed someone to show me this years ago!  “How You Can Pick The Right Business Model Almost Instantly”.

But it`s taken till just recently when a mentor/coach told me this about Affiliate Marketing.

If you`re considering starting business online or just looking to generate some additional income one of your options is to join an Affiliate offer and promote someone else’s products and services.

It`s really important to select the best business option. One that has the right structure, processes and reliable financial return!


Take note and see if you agree with this advice ….  OK? 

I will follow up in a few days time with …. lots more detail!!  Stay tuned!

I believe people MUST have diversification in their back-end offers IF they are intending to focus on Affiliate Marketing and as such there are about 8 key due diligence items that must be considered when selecting an offer;

1 – the business model
2 – the income model
3 – the business system
4 – the payment terms
5 – the product set / solution
6 – the customer training & support
7 – the experience and track record
8 – the simplicity

A follow up to this Post about best affiliate business advice will occur in a few days time!

PS:  If you want to be sure you`ll get this  …. drop me an email … with the subject line  “Send me more” . My email address is


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