Leadership Must Haves In Covid 2021

What?  Why? How? When? Who? … I ask – ‘What are some top-rating guiding principles that create ‘Leadership Ideas For Great Business Goal Setting’!

Here is a mix of ideas to set up the best goal-setting – from six outstanding leaders. This is a compelling mix of ideas from a philosophical, wisdom-based, and action-oriented set of beliefs and theories.

We are moving through the 2021 year; Covid19 is still with us and likely will be for some time yet?

If ever there was a perfect time for each of us to ‘create a new world’, it is now? Let`s start with this question…

‘How happy, how calm, how content are you?’  How content and fulfilled is your staff, your community, your family? How well are they managing themselves, in their work and in their day-to-day living in this Covid19 threatening world? 


Lets set up a focus around ‘happiness’, it seems to me, this is a perfect starting point to reflect and restate goals and ambitions!


Some years back I was lucky enough to attend a 4-day conference in Sydney, titled ‘Happiness And Its Causes’.  Some participants thought the title of the conference to be somewhat strange; yet the presentations and content from world leaders in their field, over those days, was simply brilliant!

Seems to me this title, ‘Happiness And It`s Causes’ is a headline management keyword and focus so perfectly relevant for today?


I propose that leaders have an extra responsibility in these Covid19 days, to monitor and manage people differently and better and have a specific focus on stress, anxiety, wellbeing, and … to create measures of happiness.

Leaders need to construct new policies and strategies… let`s stand back, let`s have new eyes and a new and enhanced perspective about happiness!

  • Ask about contentment!
  • Ask about ability in managing stress and anxiety!
  • Make more time to monitor overall wellbeing both incidentally and structured.

I believe in the development of new extra skills and enhancement of existing management skills. These need to be loaded into everyones` leadership briefcase… ie greater and different structures – build in a reflection of existing goals and strategies, and those hugely important people management strategies.  

Now there is so much more to consider.

It`s about all of these things…


Let`s see what my chosen leaders have to offer…  Dan Sullivan, Martine Seligman, Brian P. Moran, and Michael LenningtonDr. Wayne W. Dyer, and Matthieu Ricard.


Dan Sullivan, Master Coach of Business Entrepreneurs, penned the following question to members of one of his mastermind groups. Actions are needed.

Dan`s question … 
“If we were having this discussion three years from today, and you were looking back over those three years, what has to have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?” 


“The 12 Week Year”, New York Times Bestseller by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington, presents a process, forged in the field of working with top athletes, transformed into the business world.

‘The 12 Week Year’ incorporates the proven disciplines and principles of effective execution into the context of 12-week execution cycles. It’s about taking back control of your day, increasing your income, and accomplishing your goals in record time. If you had followed their system you would now be at the end of your first of four twelve-week blocks.


Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk and French emissary to the Dalai Lama.  His book, “Happiness – A Guide To Developing Life`s Most Important Skill”.  Simply, he states happiness is surely everyone’s life ambition, irrespective of how we each earn our money?

Matthieu was a keynote speaker at the four-day Sydney conference. He expertly combines his talents as a philosopher and a scientist and elicits a rigorous and compelling analysis of his subject.

He reminds us that as we change as individuals, we ultimately change the world! Surely a very good idea?

“It`s a brilliant synthesis of twenty-five centuries of the wisdom of Buddhism, with the neuroscience and cognitive psychology of the twenty-first century.

“Matthieu Ricard, who embodies both traditions of Buddhism and contemporary living, gives humanity a gift it desperately needs now: a vision of a positive human future”.


Martin Seligman, author of ‘Authentic Happiness is a very strong promoter within the scientific and education communities of his theories of positive psychology and of well-being. His theory of “learned helplessness” is popular among scientific and clinical psychologists.  Books:  Learned Optimism, Flourish, and 15 more


Dr.Wayne W. Dyer says simply “You are the sum total of all the choices up until this moment.”

Leadership Must Haves in Covid 2021.

I believe business owners can benefit by continually investing in new yet simple people management processes. 


References and Appreciation:  Brian P. Moran, Michael Lennington — The 12 Week Year:  Dr. Wayne W. Dyer — Everyday Wisdom:  Matthieu Ricard –Happiness, A Guide To Developing Life`s Most Important Skill: Martin Seligman — Authentic Happiness:   The Dan Sullivan Question — Dan Sullivan