Really Useful Business Tips are Hard To Find! — Three Tips That Work!
Really Useful Business Tips are Hard To Find! Here are Three Tips That Work!.. very valuable bits of information that I came across that will reinforce what you probably already know. Hey, I love reminders! You too?
Im all about review of goals, strategies and checking the markers of outcomes in my business. I do that weekly – not to make major changes, but its the monitoring that make s a difference for me. Am I on track? Did I do as well as expected? What did I mess up on? Did those missed opportunities affect my bottom line? How well did those one on one meeting with new clients and prospects work? Was I too salesy? (probably).
Im really focused on helping people self discover their own business and personal issues. Much more meaningful. Building trust is key! New training for me is starting to pay dividends! For me, Im much more comfortable and way less stressed when I work with clients and prospects. ‘Down with the hard sell’, I say… The old ways of selling, put in in the dust bin! (more another time).
So here`s some tips to refresh your mind. That`s what it did for me.
The new year will be here sooner than we’re ready for, so it’s time we all start planning for Q1 to ensure we have the best 2017 possible.
Here are three of our best planning tips that have served us well as a small business over the past 5+ years.
1. Look at the entire picture and choose focus areas
Consider your past marketing and business strategies and how those have served your overall growth. Once you’ve compiled those thoughts, consider where you are now and how you got there; What are your most successful channels? What were your strongest months? Are there opportunities for repeat business?
Next consider where you want to be one year from now. Then choose 2-3 focus areas to really monitor, analyze, and succeed with over the next 90 days and communicate that with your team.
Some examples of focus areas are:
- Hiring a new key team member
- Re-delegating some tasks
- Giving full attention to an important project
- Generating more leads
- Improving systems your team uses
- Creating a new product or service
2. Make it measurable…
… and more.
Thanks to the author Katrina Padron … a link to the original article is below, very useful tips!