Take Note ..Non-Negotiable Disciplines of Every High Achiever
Non-Negotiable Disciplines of Every High Achievers …. or you FAIL … LESS THAN GOOD!
Well, I always believe that high achievers do things differently! They are better planned, know how to manage time and most importantly have luck by their side. This is a bright insight to the fact, that every high achiever is disciplined and this discipline, hard work and perseverance help them reach the peak of success.
An eye-opener for all those who believe that success and achievements are a matter of luck!
Well- certainly not always! Hard work and a disciplined lifestyle is the key.
Believing in yourself is a discipline too – quite surprising for me. Well NO!
I realize the importance of time management and believing in your abilities, but it’s interesting to know that every high achiever is committed to the belief. For all those to blame it on circumstances, about everyday interruptions and disturbances – another non negotiable discipline of high achievers is their ability to eliminate interruptions.
They are well aware of the interruptions but they know how to combat them too. Do you try to do this too or you simply walk away with the excuse?
Time management is something all of us need to think about. High achievers and successful people manage their time well. They value time and give it importance. To achieve something in life, time management is a discipline you can never ignore. Its important to be healthy and to ignore things which can interrupt your progress.
Daily interruptions are inevitable. Acting on a fear of missing out, we allow the beeps, dings and vibrations to interject, to assure us that we’re connected, and subconsciously we tell ourselves that that constant connection has no impact on the amount of work we can accomplish. But, in reality, we’re so bombarded with outside noise, it becomes almost impossible to avoid—and our productivity suffers because of it.
Related: 3 Questions Highly Productive People Ask Themselves Every Day
It takes a real effort—a conscious choice—to separate ourselves from that mindset. But when you adopt and practice the disciplines of high achievers, you will be better equipped to set goals and go get them, without losing focus or direction.
1. The Discipline of Believing
Most of us think about doing great things. The difference between the average person and the high achiever is a commitment to belief ……………..
Read much more of this extensive article by clicking on this link! Enjoy!
Thanks, Patrick Allmond, this certainly made an interesting read. I am sure it is of much help, who are trying their best to stay motivated and reach their goals.
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